A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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You're glued to your phone anyway..

Hold on to your phone for dear life, keeping the Sword of Damocles hanging on by a finger in a game that you won't be able to put down, in this case literally, for hours on end.

Keep a finger on the screen at all times, letting go means death!

Features over 5 hours of gameplay, which as we all know is the best indicator of how much enjoyment you'll get out of a game.

Have fun with your life disrupting waste of time guys.


  • Some (crazy) people asked for a PC build, so welcome aboard the torturous merry-go-round!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Glue Stick.apk 8.3 MB
Windows.zip 7.6 MB
Mac.zip 9.2 MB
Linux.zip 9.7 MB